IMMUNIZATION AND MORAL HAZARD: THE HPV VACCINE AND UPTAKE OF CANCER SCREENING.Health Services Research and Medical Epidemiology. Do all Hospital Systems Have Market Power?.Hospital Response to CMS Public Reports of Hospital Charge Information.Journal of Economic Management and Strategy. Hospitals: A Production Function Approach. The Impact of Nursing Home Staff on Satisfaction Scores for U.S.Journal of Economics Management Strategy 29(3), p.492-15. Hospital Performance Standards and Medical Pricing: The Impact of Information Disclosure in Cardiac Care.

#March networks evidence reviewer avi series#
The Impact of Facebook’s Vaccine Misinformation Policy on User Endorsements of Vaccine Content: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis has been accepted for publication in Vaccine.Hidden Costs of Kidney Transplantation: Organ Acquisition Cost Center.Organ Procurement Costs of Expanding Deceased Donor Organ Acceptance: Evidence from a Cost Function Model.Dor’s other affiliation include the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), and a joint faculty appointment at the GWU Trachtenberg School of Public Policy. His work has been cited by major Media and trade press outlets including the New York Times, CNN, NPR, US News and World Report, Modern Healthcare, and Kaiser Health News. His teaches graduate health care economics courses at the Masters and PhD levels, and has supervised numerous doctoral level dissertations.Īvi Dor has consulted for a variety of organizations, including the World Bank, Amgen, GlaxoSmithKline, and Teva Pharmaceuticals, and he frequently serves on NIH grant review panels. His research has been published in leading economics journals (e.g., American Economic Review, European Economic Review), leading field journals (e.g., Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics), medical journals (e.g., NEJM, JAMA, Cancer), major health policy journals (Health Affairs, Health Services Research, Inquiry). The recipient of numerous NIH and AHRQ awards, he is currently PI of a large multi-site R01 award investigating costs and quality of community health centers.

He is highly experienced in large data base analysis and econometric modeling of health care costs and outcomes, pharmaceutical pricing, vaccine policy, and cost-effectiveness and return-on-investment analyses applied to health care settings.

Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, currently known as AHRQ, and Research Associate at the Urban Institute. Having joined GWU in 2007, He previously served as the Mannix Medical Mutual Professor of Health Finance, at the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University, Research Fellow at the U.S. Avi Dor, a health economist, is a Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University (GWU), and Director of its Health Economics and Health Policy PhD Programs.